Paper Structures  

Art, Mathematics, Origami, Paper


Lecz on składał, a składając składał i składał, jakoś tak składając, tak się zaskładał w składaniu swoim, tak był absolutny w tym składaniu, że składanie, będąc skończenie trywialnym, było jednak zarazem przemożne.

Na podstawie "Ferdydurke" W. Gombrowicza

NECN - Breaking News, Boston Weather, politics and the Latest Business, Health, Arts and Sport
(Colleen Bamford, NECN: Worcester, MA) - Students in Worcester are trying to break a world record. They want to make the biggest Origami ever, and they have only got five days to get it done. It started with one business card. 99,000 more cards, four months and almost 400 volunteers later this paper art will be the centerpiece of Worcester's New Year's celebration...known as first night. Modeled after Union Station..Worcester's transportation hub.... it may be the largest Origami ever attempted. The idea is the brainstorm of first night Worcester director Joyce Kressler and mathematician Jeannine Mosley. It was brought to life by teachers and students from 15 Worcester schools. Science teacher Matt Magobian's eighth grade class spent countless hours on the project. With those numbers the Union Station model will surpass the existing world record for a business card Origami...which stands at 66,000. The 100,000 cards are in place-now they just need to be put together. With five days to go until its unveiling, organizers admit time is tight but even if it means working around the clock it will be ready for first night Worcester.